like you care, but we are thinking about doing a drawer fridge/freezer under our counter, but surprisingly mr. t is worried about resale. the man who doesn't want to put railing on our 20 foot high deck because he doesn't like "the look" of it, is worried about resale....i, in a surprising role reversal, love the idea. i love how simple and smooth it looks. don't tell walker, but i think i am becoming the modern woman he has always wanted me to be. or maybe it's the 4 episodes of mad men i am taking in a night (yes, we are 5 years behind on this phenomenon).
you see that circle? i did that in photo shop. just in case you don't know what "fridge" i am referring too. we were planning on building shelves above it and to the right. now we are thinking of getting rid of that fridge (the one in the yellow silly) and doing it all under the counter. because the island is like 60 feet long, we don't need to worry about lack o storage... but is it too euro? or the bigger question, are you too euro? think about it.
what do we think....hmmmmmm. hmmmmmmm? we would probably do 2 side by side. we like to eat.