Monday, September 26, 2011


was great.  great weather.  great wine.  GREAT food.  great wedding.  i miss my girlfriends bad.  belly laughs and dancing all night long. the venue was amazing - think great gatsby meets winery meets upscale pottery barn meets i die.  walker now wants our next house to have 20 acres and a man made lake... awesome. 

it was nice to get away from the kids (my parents) and get some alone time.  feels like forever.   however, we got the keys to the new house on the friday we left and walker asked about 5 times if we really had to go on this trip.  every time we gazed into each others eyes i asked what he was thinking about, and he would say, "i am wondering how hard the sub floors will be to rip out."  and i would say "i love you too."

cakebread cellars

are you for reals? fried quail

carneros inn

mariani family residence

i told j she should consider atkins for her weight problem...

1 comment:

  1. I am on a roll.
    Ima make a comment on every post.
    Jamie, Liz, you.. all look fabulous. Bride is pretty too.
