Monday, December 26, 2011

merry chris...

a day late. i know.  but i hope you six people who read this had a great holiday.  we stayed home (oreeegon) and my folks spoiled us like crazy as usual.  so so so thankful for them, they truly are the cats pajamas. i drank too much wine (weird), my sister brought her dog home, we got gifts from santa (aka lynn long island), we wedding planned (for em and i took notes for my second wedding when walk and i are donzo),  we went to the aughenbaughs, we (dan) got diarrhea for the 3rd year in a row from the crab and shrimp on xmas eve, we ate perfect prime rib and greens, we laughed at dan, we cried (just walker), we watched the girl with the dragon tattoo (awesomely close to the book plus d craig is a babe), we did puzzles (just me), we continued to work on the house... perfect weekend.
soon to be loftons...

christmas time


daniel is amused.. missing his woman.

this is walkers "kissing" face

happy holidays kids. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

We are in like flyn

finally it has happened to me, right in front of my face, and i just cannot hide it.  if you didn't just sing that, read it again.

the templeton's have left the basement. we made it.  only twice thought about leaving each other or accidentally burning the house (with one of us inside) down. whoever said remodels are tough on a relationship was exactly right.  we actually did pretty well up until last week.  if you are wondering how a simple "good morning babe, do you want to get coffee?" can turn into "you didn't talk to me about that.  how much is it? why?  it doesn't even make sense.  you never communicate.  i don't care if this is in phil knights house.  why are you wearing that to paint in. oh my god, it's like talking to a child. when are we moving in? that was a stupid movie. you are bleeding right now.  we are selling this house in a year anyway. no we are not.  you have to start by pretending we don't have a budget. no, i don't want coffee. can we move in tomorrow?  architect means professional drawer not boss.  i hate you so much right now.  what did you say about my mom? we will always have a budget! seriously, you are still bleeding, it looks infected.  i like red.  i hate red. wait, tell me again how much that was...." come to our house, and we will show you, it's quite impressive.

i want that light

and that one...

these are our cabinets and this is a similar layout to what our kitchen will be. but ours will be radder.


i want.

in our condo we had a full bed.  we upgraded to a queen when we moved into our last house and thought it was the biggest thing ever.  the past three months we have been sleeping on a king at my parents house.  when we got into bed last night the first thing walker said was, "you are awfully close..." add king size bed to the never ending list... so happy to be in the house.  we are too giddy to care about our arms in constant contact all night long - even when walker has sleep tremors and shakes.  all. night. long.