Monday, September 26, 2011


was great.  great weather.  great wine.  GREAT food.  great wedding.  i miss my girlfriends bad.  belly laughs and dancing all night long. the venue was amazing - think great gatsby meets winery meets upscale pottery barn meets i die.  walker now wants our next house to have 20 acres and a man made lake... awesome. 

it was nice to get away from the kids (my parents) and get some alone time.  feels like forever.   however, we got the keys to the new house on the friday we left and walker asked about 5 times if we really had to go on this trip.  every time we gazed into each others eyes i asked what he was thinking about, and he would say, "i am wondering how hard the sub floors will be to rip out."  and i would say "i love you too."

cakebread cellars

are you for reals? fried quail

carneros inn

mariani family residence

i told j she should consider atkins for her weight problem...

living with the folks....

Going on week 5.  it has not been bad.  but i am ready for it to be done. please let the beginning reno not last too long.  i miss walker and libba time.  i miss just libba time more.  my parents have been really great and really generous. saving the skrill has been awesome.  it is amazing how mortgages and bills and food suck up your pay check every single month.  my mom repeats herself a.lot.  i tune her out, but it frightens walker.

walker and my dad have developed a bromance (daddy issues...?).  they watch the same weird tv shows, play golf together, talk about electrical wires, pretend to care about nfl football.... it is really pretty cute, until he won't make a decision about ANYTHING until he consults with jay.  especially with house stuff;  "we should ask jay, i just called your dad, jay is on his way over now, your dad said not to worry about it..."

i run into someone i know every mother trucking time we go to the grocery store.  kinda cool, kinda awkward, kinda annoying all at the same time.  i just had this conversation with a neighbor:

neighbor:  hey - emily, right?
me: oh no, i'm libba
neighbor: oh yeah, stanford, right?
me: nope, UW
neighbor: sorry, you are an attorney now?
me: please stop guessing...

my parents clearly talk about me a lot.

Monday, September 5, 2011

road rules

remember that show?  reality tv at its finest.

we went on a little jaunt a few weeks back.  and by little i mean long.  and by long i mean i told walker at one point on the way over that driving this long is my version of hell.  i kid i kid.  we went to suncadia washington (sunriver for wealthier people) for a work trip then over to bozemen montana to see his brother, sister in law and the cutest kids ever and then to kalispell to hang with walker's gpa and then home to portland.  all in one week.  i didn't mind the road trip part nearly as much as i thought i would.  especially in montana where it is really pretty and you can drive 90 miles per hour and cops won't even blink.  people from the state are used to driving like 6 hours to see their neighbor and to get soap - none of the drive phased walker.  he was like 'bubs this isn't that bad" and i was like "walker, check yourself"  that's all i said.  the comebacks are weak when he is right.  here is a little photo tour of our week.  i miss those kiddos :(


Self timer

the trusted vulve.

if i knew how to photo shop - i would photo shop linc in here.

handsome cowboy

hat check.  boot earrings check.


don't tell mom, but i will give you some money for those chips...


ummm.  so CUTE.

quit taking my picture dood!

somewhere in MT on the drive back

It was an amazing trip.  loved seeing fam, love seeing works peeps in suncadia, loved spending some quality time with walker.  i had two of the best sandwiches in my life: 1 at staggering ox (of course) and the other at Tagliare in missoula....